Protect Your Domain's Content
Entity filters are specialized JavaScript functions that prevent unwanted modifications to entities in your domain. They can be applied to a whole server or to specific zones within a domain.
Add an Entity Filter to Your Domain
Your domain can connect to any entity filter that is hosted on your Asset Server or the cloud. Once you've written a script (or use one of our own), upload it to your ATP server or a cloud hosting service of your choice. Then:
Open your domain settings.
For cloud hosted domains: Open a browser and enter the URL http://<insert your server's IP address here>:40100/settings. Log in when prompted.
For local servers on Windows: Click on the Overte icon in the system tray, then click 'Settings'.
For local servers on Mac: Right-click the Overte icon on the top menu bar, then click 'Settings'.
For any OS: Open a browser and enter the URL http://localhost:40100/settings.
On the top menu bar, select Content > Entities.
Click the 'Advanced Settings' button.
Under 'Filter Entity Edits', enter the URL of your entity filter script.
Add an Entity Filter to a Zone in Your Domain
You can choose to apply an entity filter to a specific zone within your domain, rather than to the entire domain. To do this:
In Interface, pull up your HUD or Tablet and go to Create.
In the Entity List, locate and select the zone you want to protect.
In the Create Tools, click on the 'Properties' tab.
For 'Filter', enter the URL of your entity filter script.
Included Entity Filters
Overte comes installed with a number of sample entity filter scripts. These are located in the following directories:
Windows: %Program Files%/Local/Overte/scripts/tutorials/entity_edit_filters
Mac: ~/Applications/Overte/interface/Contents/Resources/scripts/tutorials/entity_edit_filters
These sample scripts show you how protect domain content by doing things like:
Keep an entity inside a bounding box
Only allow entities to be moved 5 meters or less
Prevent the addition of entities named "Bob"
Prevent entities from being deleted
Feel free to use these entity filters as-is or modify them to meet your own security needs for your domain.
Additional Script Examples
Here are a few more script examples to help you create your own entity filters:
// Only allow changes to entity's basic physics; reject all other changes including adds and deletes
(function() {
function filter() {
return false;
filter.wantsToFilterAdd = true; // run on adds
filter.wantsToFilterEdit = true; // run on edits
filter.wantsToFilterPhysics = false; // don't run on physics
filter.wantsToFilterDelete = true; // do run on deletes
// Reject all changes to your domain
function filter(properties, filterType, originalProperties) {
// doesn't matter here if rejectAll is set to true
// If reject all is true. Any of the filterType changes won't go through
filter.rejectAll = true; // default false