Command Line Parameters
You can launch an assignment-client with these parameters.
Displays help information
-h, --help
Displays version information
-v, --version
Assignment client type
-t <type>
0 = audio-mixer
1 = avatar-mixer
2 = agent
3 = asset-server
4 = message-mixer
5 = entity-script-server
6 = entity-server
Assignment pool
--pool <pool>
Assignment client UDP port
-p <port>
Wallet destination
--wallet <wallet-uuid>
Assignment server hostname
-a <hostname>
Assignment server port
--server-port <port>
Number of children to fork
-n <child-count>
Minimum number of children
--min <child-count>
Maximum number of children
--max <child-count>
Assignment client monitor port
--monitor-port <port>
HTTP status server port
--http-status-port <port>
Directory to store logs
--log-directory <path>
PID of the parent process
--parent-pid <pid>