Overte is an open-source project, so all of our code and documentation is available for you to look at. You too can contribute to our endeavour for the metaverse! Our main git repository contains the source to many of the components of our software for creating virtual worlds. There are plenty of ways you can contribute to the various parts that make up Overte.
If you run into any questions or seek some advice, have a look at our Matrix Space which is also bridged to our Discord server
if you prefer that.
You can help create and maintain the documentation in several ways:
Report errors or missing information to the GitHub issue tracker.
Create or change documentation pages and open a PR (pull request) on GitHub.
Review changes to the documentation on Github. We would like to have two reviewers for most changes, as there are always things that the writer and the first reviewer overlook.
As an international project, Overte relies on translators to be able to reach users that do not speak English. Currently the only component that has translation support is the documentation. You can help translating using our online translation system Weblate by either submitting translations or becoming a maintainer for your language and checking translations before they make it into the documentation. More information on translating the documentation can be found in its README.
Overte is primarily driven by the voluntary contributions of its community and core team. While we do not yet have an entity to manage donations, you can donate to specific members of the team via various services like PayPal, Patreon, or GitHub Sponsors.
You can also put bounties on specific features you want to see implemented or issues you want to see fixed, by leaving a comment on our issue tracker. Of course, bounties are also an option for other parts of the project like the documentation. Bounties are created and assigned based on trust, so if you are unsure about something regarding one then speak to a core developer or bring it up at a community or developer meeting. Most of the developers are highly trained and experienced, normally earning upwards of US$40 an hour in the free market. Keep that in mind if you want to see something accomplished that no one else is personally interested in.
You can help the general development of the Overte project without being a developer yourself by:
filing issues on our issue tracker,
helping to narrow down those issues,
If you are a developer, you can contribute directly to the project via pull requests. Keep the guidelines in mind when contributing to the main software. Some additional information can be found in the Developer Section. An important job for developers that have become more accustomed to the platform is code reviews of open pull requests.
Miscellaneous Work
There is also a lot of miscellaneous work that comes up every now and then:
2D art like posters or banners,
3D models,
video editing,
and so on.
It is tremendously helpful for developers to have someone that they can ask for assistance when they need work done that is outside their area of expertise.