Create Tools
To build and create things in Overte, you need to become familiar with the tools available to you. We've created our own custom tools (including the Create app). In addition, you can use many external tools to fine-tune your creations. These tools can help you create anything from a cool avatar or a baseball hat, to a magic themed domain.
The Create App
Use the Create app to create any type of entity. In Interface, pull up your HUD or Tablet and go to Create to get started. With the Create app, you can:
Add any type of entity and import externally created models and materials.
Edit entity properties, such as its appearance, position, and behavior.
Expose a grid that assists you with the layout and placement of entities.
Display the Entity List, which lists all the entities in the domain. When you're using an HMD, the entity list will be an additional tab in the Create app. In Desktop mode, the Entity List is its own window.
Entity List
The Entity List shows you all entities in the local domain. You can filter by entity type and by distance from the current location.
At the top of the Entity List, you can switch between 'Local' and 'World' view. When set to 'Local', the position, size, and rotation settings for entities are set in reference to the parent entity. When set to 'World', these settings are set in reference to the world's default position.
When you select an entity in the Entity List, you can:
Find an entity: You can double-click an entity on the list to view it in your domain. You will see the entity with a bounding box and arrows around it.
Lock an entity: A locked entity cannot be edited. Select an entity and click the lock icon on the top of the window.
Change visibility: You can hide or make an entity visible. Select an entity and click the eye icon on the top of the window.
Name an entity: Name an entity when you select it on the list.
Delete an entity: Delete an entity by clicking on the red bin icon on the top-right corner of the window.
External Creator Tools
We've listed some external tools you might want to use to create avatars and 3D models.
Mixamo is a rigging system that will rig your avatar's skeleton for you. You do not need any advanced knowledge of rigging to create simple animations for your avatar.
Blender is an open-source 3D modeling creation suite which supports everything from modeling and rigging, to animation and simulation. You can also use Blender to fine tune your avatar, and ensure that the materials and textures render correctly in Overte.
Maya is a subscription based 3D modeling toolset that you can use to create 3D models to import into Overte.
Blocks is a 3D modeling tool you can use in VR. Blocks lets you create models easily regardless of your experience. You can create something on Blocks through Steam or download it for the VR equipment you are using.
See Also