Alpha 2020.2.2 Asteria Release Notes
This version of Vircadia is an update to 2020.2.1. It is compatible with the 2020.2.0-Asteria protocol. This version was released on June 26th, 2020.
Interface (Codename Athena)
The numbers at the end of each item are the PR numbers in the Vircadia repo.
Vive Pro Eye support added. (#350, #478)
Fix Linux default audio selection and warnings. (#377)
Rebranding and login screen updates. (#384, #471, #473)
Controller API: fix various crashes and fix more than one controller not buzzing on
. (#399)Begin transitioning metaverse server URLs into central files for easier development around the Metaverse API. (#411)
Disable certified entities being auto deleted by the server because the check returned false. (#438)
Fix models not scaling correctly on load due to a low timeout; also fix resizing of models for the first time after they load. (#442)
Fix reloading content in serverless domains. (#447)
도메인 서버
The numbers at the end of each item are the PR numbers in the Vircadia repo.
Add the "Prometheus" exporter, which allows for exporting of full domain and mixer statistics for visualization. (#280)
User Docs
The numbers at the end of each item are the PR numbers in the Vircadia-Docs-Sphinx repo.
Update build docs from main repo, fix link for auto-updating of build docs. (#55)
Create debugging tips for Interface on Windows. (#56)
Release notes for 2020.2.2. (#57)
API Docs
The API docs are generated from the software source repo. The latest live deployment source can be viewed here.
Nothing new!
Extra Applications
Explore App (Interim Version)
The numbers at the end of each item are the PR numbers in the Decentralized GoTo repo.
Nothing new!
Community Apps
The numbers at the end of each item are the PR numbers in the Community Apps repo.
Add "Refresh" app. (#18)
Add more info to "Radar" app. (#19)