Alpha 2020.2.1 Asteria Release Notes
This version of Vircadia is an update to 2020.2.0. It is compatible with the 2020.2.0-Asteria protocol. This version was released on June 11th, 2020.
Interface (Codename Athena)
The numbers at the end of each item are the PR numbers in the Vircadia repo.
Fix not being able to delete entities in serverless domains. (#425)
Fix visibility of values in Wearables dialog. (#426)
Reduce minimum camera inspect distance. (#432)
Update VR login overlay to have Vircadia logo. (#437)
Remove old GoTo from defaultScripts.js and update the Explore app with navigation buttons and new beacon fields. (#439)
Disable crash logger by default. (#440)
Fix user activity logger checkbox not being set to off by default. (#444)
Update Readme for the main repo. (#445)
User Docs
The numbers at the end of each item are the PR numbers in the Vircadia-Docs-Sphinx repo.
Release notes for 2020.2.0 and 2020.2.1. (#49, #50, #54)
Housekeeping for release notes, server links, etc. (#51)
API Docs
The API docs are generated from the software source repo. The latest live deployment source can be viewed here.
Nothing new!
Extra Applications
Explore App (Interim Version)
The numbers at the end of each item are the PR numbers in the Decentralized GoTo repo.
Add navigation buttons. (#4)
Community Apps
The numbers at the end of each item are the PR numbers in the Community Apps repo.
Nothing new!