Beta Release 81
We released Beta Release 81 on Friday, March 29, 2019.
Note: There is a protocol change in this version.
Hotfix v0.81.1
A hotfix (v0.81.1) was released on March 31, 2019. This release disables the ability to create a web view in Interface that enables access to a user's webcam or microphone audio.
Note: There is a protocol change in this version.
New in v0.81.0!
Flow Technology: We have migrated High Fidelity's flow technology from JavaScript to C++. This improves performance across the board and makes it more accessible to non-programmers. To use it, download the new Flow app from the Marketplace, adjust the settings to configure physics such as gravity and elasticity, and copy the resulting code directly into your avatar's FST file.
Microphone and Mute Experience:
Push-to-Talk: Push-to-Talk will keep you muted except when you are pressing buttons on either your keyboard or your controllers. Go to Settings > Audio > Push to Talk to enable. To talk in Desktop mode, press and hold the "T" button. To talk in VR, press and hold the grip triggers on both of your controllers.
Mute Notification: We now provide visual feedback when you try to speak in a muted state. You will see the word "MUTED" in red on your screen if you try to talk while muted.
Test Microphone Settings: You can now test your microphone settings from within Interface. Go to Settings > Audio > Test Your Voice. You will see your voice input on the Audio Level Meter.
Your mute state is now correctly saved when reopening Interface.
Track Hand Controllers in Oculus Home: When leaving High Fidelity to the Oculus Home, we now continue to track your hand position rather than putting your in an "Away" state. Go to Settings > Controls > Calibration to turn this on or off. Thank you to our user Saracen! (Canny request:
The High Fidelity Avatar Exporter for Unity has been updated:
You can adjust the avatar's scale prior to exporting it from Unity.
Better error detection now notifies you of scale and material errors you may encounter while using the tool.
Download the updated exporter here (v0.4.0):
In the Avatar Packager, click on any error messages you encounter to view troubleshooting tips on how to resolve the error prior to uploading your avatar.
Improved UI to clarify that uploading your avatar to High Fidelity's servers via the Marketplace does not automatically put it up for sale. You can always put your Avatar for sale by going through our Marketplace process.
Your personal bubble will automatically be enabled when "Away" to prevent avatar harassment.
When someone is banned from a domain, we now send a message to the owner or admin of the domain to confirm the ban, assuming they have kick rights. This ensures that users cannot be banned using unsolicited scripts within a domain.
Other Mentions
Far grab now uses two hands to reduce accidental activation.
Choose whether wearables can be grabbed while being worn using the Lock icon on the Avatar app. (Canny request:
We've removed grab scaling. We'll work on ways to improve this in a future release and turn it back on. (Canny request:
New toggle determines whether or not wearables can be adjusted by hand (Canny request:
Marketplace items now have the ability to be rezz'd multiple times within a single domain. For example, someone can buy a single tree, then rez it multiple times to create a forest. When submitting an item to the Marketplace, content creators control whether or not an item can be rezz'd multiple times in the JSON file. Coming in future releases: We'll make it easier to mark which items can be rezz'd multiple times, along with visual indications of these items in your inventory. (Canny request:
Fixed a bug in which wearables became detached from your avatar.
Fixed a bug where avatars occasionally shifted into flying pose while on the ground.
Fixed a bug which caused avatar entities to not persist. (Canny requests: and
The Escape key now consistently places the user in "Away" mode. (Canny request:
Ambient Occlusion works again! We inadvertently broke this a couple of releases ago.
In a web entity, you can now input text in a web text box or text field. This fixes the ability to use the 3D keyboard to type in web entities. (Canny request:
Hand lasers no longer disappear when selecting another avatar's sphere with the People app open. We inadvertently introduced this bug in v0.79.0.
When multiple entities are selected, using the arrows or dragging numerical fields will now display the correct value, rather than the minimum value.
Nothing specific for Android in this release.